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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Stump the Palin

GRAND RAPIDS, Michigan (CNN) -- Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin took questions with her running mate Wednesday night, offering at one point to play "stump the candidate" with a mostly friendly Michigan crowd.

Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin at a town-hall meeting in Michigan Wednesday night.

Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin at a town-hall meeting in Michigan Wednesday night.

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Asked for "specific skills" she could cite to rebut critics who question her grasp of international affairs, she replied, "I am prepared."

"I have that confidence. I have that readiness," Palin said. "And if you want specifics with specific policies or countries, you can go ahead and ask me. You can play 'stump the candidate' if you want to. But we are ready to serve."

Well isn't that wonderful? She wants to play a game show now. You notice when she was asked for specific skills, she said, "I am prepared." Not only did she totally avoid the question but she didn't even say what she's prepared for. "I'm prepared" to go to bed tonight, but that doesn't mean I can run the country. And then McCain had to jump in and rescue her on her answers and his were as lame as hers.

GOP presidential nominee John McCain stepped in, pointing out that as governor of a state that is oil and gas plentiful, Palin was familiar with energy. She knows it to be "one of our great national security challenges," he said.

He also cited her nearly two years as commander of Alaska's National Guard. "I believe she is absolutely, totally qualified to address every challenge as the next vice president of the United States," McCain said.

Since when is oil and gas a national security challenge? It's one of our biggest economic challenges, but not a security challenge.

Palin also took questions about her family and women's rights during the hourlong forum. Asked at one point how she would respond to people who say she can't be both a mother of five and vice president, she said, "Well, let's prove them wrong."

Once again, she dodges the question. She should have answered how she can juggle being a mom of 5 and the VP office.
She is being shallow, evasive and also ducking her responsibility to clean up her state investigation mess.

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