Jim's NowPublic Postings

Random thoughts about the world, politics,politics, comedy, and stuff I post on NowPublic.com

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Location: Statesville, North Carolina, United States

57, bald, beard, 5'3" 189# single and looking

Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Chlorine in the gene pool?

I was outside, smoking and thinking about the story I just wrote parts of. And it occurred to me that perhaps John McCain is pulling a trick and planting people in his campaign stop audiences to ask silly questions so that McCain can use answers that pull back from his absurd attacks on Barack Obama.

How did I come up with this idea? Simple! We all know that many people these days need a bit more chlorine in their gene pool. So was the woman who asked McCain if Obama is an Arab just a "plant" or was she in need of a gene pool cleaning service? And the guy who said he's scared to have a child if Obama is president, was he another audience plant? Plants have been used before in campaign stops, it wouldn't be the first time certain questions have been planted and it won't be the last either.

We've heard it all.

Obama is a terrorist.

Obama is a Muslim.

Obama is an Arab.

Obama is the anti-christ.

Obama was not born in the USA. (interestingly enough John McCain actually wasn't born in the USA)

Obama studied in a Madrasa.

Obama is bad because he associates with people like Rev Wright.

Obama is bad because he knew someone from the 'weather underground'.

Proof Obama is a Muslim is that his dad gave him that dreaded "H" word as a middle name.

Obama is not a Christian.

Obama will raise EVERYONE'S taxes.

Obama this, Obama that, the list goes on and on and on till you want to blow chunks.

People have to remember and realize one thing. You don't get the party nomination for President if you're any of the above mentioned "bad" things. The powers that be, behind the scenes, wouldn't let someone like Barack Obama get this far if any of those things were true. It just isn't going to happen.

But it IS true that divisive comments of this nature CAN and often DO cause violence in the streets, as evidenced back in the George Wallace days, and they CAN lead to assassinations such as JFK and RFK and even MLK.

I honestly think I have a pretty good grip on what is going on, because I have learned to read between the lines. I can almost guess at any given point what a politician is going to do or say next and be able to examine how it will positively effect or negatively effect their campaign.

McCain said some pretty nasty things about Obama and Palin said even worse things about Obama. He obviously has no control over her mouth. So it begs to wonder if McCain himself decided to tone down the attacks and rhetoric and/or if he had to use audience plants to ask leading questions McCain can respond to in a more polite and positive manner.

Or am I just talking out of where I sit and there are that many gene damaged people who can't see the truth through the smoke screen of politics? Has it really come to this, that we have so many people out there who can't think for themselves? If that's the case, then I think that when I get some money to invest, I'll invest it in gene pool chlorine, cause there are some pretty murky pools out there!

Let the lambasting begin!!



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