Four arrested in mall assault facing upgraded charges
Tammy Moulder, 35, and Phillip Greene were arrested around 5:30 p.m. Tuesday for common law robbery, assault inflicting serious injury and obtaining propery by false pretense. The two were apprehended at a convenience store on Salisbury Road after police received a tip that they were there.
Jeremy Melton, 26, and Melissa Link, 23, were apprehended at Fifth Street Shelter Wednesday night.
Statesville Police Department Chief Tom Anderson said the four are now facing felony assault charges as well as conspiracy after investigators learned the noticed the elderly woman at a pharmacy and followed her to the mall.
The four are facing charges after two men grabbed the purse of a 90-year-old woman as she got out of her vehicle in front of Belk's Tuesday, and she was knocked or fell to the ground, breaking her jaw and causing other injuries. She is being treated at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.
Statesville Police rolled in 8 deep to The Fifth Street Shelter like they were looking for Osama Bin Laden. The Shelter is where I currently reside. I watched as Melton and Link were led off in cuffs. Nice eh?
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