Breaking News
CNN ticker is reporting President Bush will host a summit of world leaders to discuss the global financial crisis, a senior administration official tells CNN.
Bush is going to have to admit that his being asleep at the switch is not just putting a major hurt on Americans but it's effecting finances and the well being of the whole planet. Bush, in his speech to the nation on the crisis said he's not for regulating the market so he did nothing to stop the rampant abuses. We sunk much lower into the hole because of his lack of regulations. So what does he want to do? He wants and got a 700 Billion dollar bailout to help bolster back up the very same corporations and banks he allowed to run a muck in the first place.
We're not heading for a depression, we're IN a depression and the only thing this one is lacking so far is stock brokers and investors jumping out of highrise windows. We already have jobs being lost at an alarming rate, we already have millions more homeless and that number is expected to get to as many as 9 million more by January.
The world will hear that figure and say, "wow, 9 million, that's a lot" but to the criminal element of Washington D.C. it's just a drop in the bucket when you consider how many billions of people there are in The United States.
But this recession hurts more than just Americans because we've become an import society rather than a manufacturing society. We live off the cheap goods imported from Japan and China mostly and we ship billions of dollars overseas every year for those goods, not just to China for things we use, but billions to the middle east for oil.
I fear a revolution is on the horizon whether Obama is elected or not and/or if Obama can't fix things that are wrong with our nation. And if a revolution does begin, I think it will begin with just one shot. Once it starts and someone starts taking our country back by force or violence, people will find themselves unable to hold back and everyone will start shooting. Now let me say a word of caution to the FBI since we all know you monitor sites like this one and where my blog will be posted. I AM NOT ADVOCATING THE OVERTHROW OF THE US GOVERNMENT BY FORCE OR VIOLENCE, (so don't bother knocking on my door to arrest me) and I'm not trying to start anything here either, but my rights to free speech DO allow me to say that I feel this is how and when it will start and how I predict it will all end.
Bush will NOT be able to fix the world by January and the world is what needs to be fixed, not just America. If it just effected us, we wouldn't have plants in China shutting down, unrest in other parts of the world that depend on our importing their goods.
Our only hope for a resolution to the crisis is electing Barack Obama and prosecuting Bush and company for their illegal attempt at global domination.
Tags: World
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