Jim's NowPublic Postings

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Location: Statesville, North Carolina, United States

57, bald, beard, 5'3" 189# single and looking

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

An open letter to Sarah Palin

An open letter to Sarah Palin

October 3 at 1:36pm

Dear Mrs. Palin,

I am embarrassed for my gender. Seriously. Putting all
politics aside, after last night's debate, I am mortified
on behalf of women everywhere. You seem to have confused
running for Vice President of the United States with
running for Prom Queen at Icanskinamoose High School.

I mean, really. What was with the winking? Did you have
something in your eye? Does the prospect of intelligent
discussion of important issues cause uncontrollable spasms
in your face? Is your foreign policy strategy to wink
hostile nations into submission? Or do you actually
believe that this stopped people from noticing that you
didn't have the answers to the questions? Well, golly
gee, but winking doesn't stop us from noticing that you
are completely unqualified to be Vice President of the
PTA, much less of the United States.

And on that note, gosh and golly gee? That's not folksy
language that appeals to the average American. That's
talking to us like we are preschoolers. Stop. Now. Five
year olds can't vote. Lets all try talking like grown
ups, shall we? Furthermore, the ability to rhyme your
opponent's first name with other one syllable words is
not impressive and it does not make any valid political
point. Congratulations. Last night you demonstrated that
you have as good a grasp of the sounds the letters of
the alphabet make as your 7-year-old daughter, who at
least had the sense not to spit shine her baby brother
this time. Is this why people keep saying you did better
than expected? Because really, I'd rather elect Dr. Suess
if rhyme is that important.

And by the way, you are not middle class. The amount of
money paid to any governor of any state in this country
automatically removes them from the label of middle
class. Stop trying to be one of us. It's insulting. As
is your continual reference to "Joe Six Pack." Just
because your husband is known as the First Dude of
Alaska (which kind of makes me throw up in my own
mouth) doesn't mean you know anything about average
Americans... like perhaps the fact that many members
of the working and middle classes find that sort of
pejorative characterization insulting. I represent many
low and middle class Americans. I would never dream of
referring to my clients this way. It's distasteful and

And now on to the issues. Wait, I can't really address
your thoughts on this issues, since you did everything
in your power not to have, I mean, share them. I don't
know where you stand on pretty much anything of
importance to me. And the few tidbits I gleaned did
nothing to convince me that you are anything other than
a fan of big oil and hockey. All that I know is that
you have the ability, arguably, to memorize and regurgitate
four or five basic talking points, ad nauseam while
completely ignoring the question being asked of you. But
hey, it worked for Bush, so why not?

In closing, I would like to say that some day, we will
have a woman elected President of the United States.
That woman will get to thank Geraldine Ferraro, Hillary
Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Olympia
Snowe, and host of other intelligent, competent women
in politics - on both sides of the isle - who blazed
trails and stood up for what they believed in. That
woman will get to thank a generation of women like my
mother who raised their daughters to believe that they
can be anything and do anything . The thought of that
woman having to thank you as well makes me physically
ill. You make women in politics look like a joke. And
I am mortified.

Most sincerely yours,

An Anonymous Woman Voter



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