Jim's NowPublic Postings
Random thoughts about the world, politics,politics, comedy, and stuff I post on NowPublic.com
About Me
- Name: fast_rush
- Location: Statesville, North Carolina, United States
57, bald, beard, 5'3" 189# single and looking
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Stevens says, 'I am innocent' after corruption conviction
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens vowed to fight his Monday conviction on federal corruption charges, a verdict he attributed to "repeated instances of prosecutorial misconduct."
Sen. Ted Stevens leaves federal court Monday as the jury deliberated in his corruption trial.
"I will fight this unjust verdict with every ounce of energy I have," the 84-year-old Stevens, the Senate's longest-serving Republican, said in a written statement after the jury came back Monday afternoon. "I am innocent."
Stevens was convicted of seven counts of making false statements on Senate ethics forms to hide hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and work on his Alaska home from an oilfield contractor at the center of a corruption investigation in the state.
The verdict came days before he is to face voters in a neck-and-neck re-election bid. He vowed to get the trial's results overturned and added, "I remain a candidate for the United States Senate."
How can he still expect to win the election when he's convicted and the pitbull with lip gloss has all but asked him to resign?
It must be really cold in Alaska, since they have the cajones they do there.
Tags: Washington | Alaska | trial | republican | Home | ethics | senate | work | energy | charges | corruption | United States | World | federal | jury | investigation | voters | days | Thousands | Gifts | Fight | Monday | Face | MISCONDUCT | CONTRACTOR | am | afternoon | VERDICT | back | State | false | center | will | stevens | statement | after | every | says | dollars | RE-ELECTION | CONVICTED | hundreds | innocent | hide | forms | making | ounce | before | oilfield | vowed | came | said | have | counts | attributed | From | With | unjust | This | written | repeated | instances | seven | neck-and-neck | longest-serving | prosecutorial
2 dead in Arkansas campus shooting; one suspect in custody
(CNN) -- Two students were killed and another person was wounded in a shooting at the University of Central Arkansas on Sunday evening, according to a hospital spokesman.
The shooting, which happened outside a dorm, prompted a campus lockdown and the cancellation of Monday classes.
One person was detained for questioning but has not been arrested, according to Lt. Rhonda Swindle, a spokesman for the campus police.
"At this time we do have some pretty good leads," Swindle said.
One student died on the scene, and a second died at Conway Regional Medical Center, a hospital spokesman said.
The hospital spokesman said the person who died there was an 18-year-old male, but he did not have any additional information.
A third person, a 19-year-old male, was released from the hospital after being treated for a gunshot wound to his leg, a hospital spokesman said.
The shots were fired near Arkansas Hall and the Snow Fine Arts Center at 9:22 p.m. (10:22 p.m. ET), Swindle said.
Freshman Sam Hausen was about 50 feet away from the shooters when the gunfire began.
"I heard about five or 10 shots and, at first, I thought it was just firecrackers, because everybody always clowns around out there, but I just realized that it wasn't firecrackers," Hausen said.
As he began running away, he saw one of the wounded students hit the ground and another stumbled into the dorm, he said.
"I saw a couple cars speed off," Hausen said. "I don't know if they were the shooters or not."
Student Lauren Knight was walking to the library when it happened. She said chaos erupted, with students scurrying for safety.
When the campus lockdown was ordered, Knight was stuck with other students for several hours inside the library.
Classes were canceled for Monday at the university which serves about 12,500 full-time students in Conway, Arkansas.
Why this is happening more and more is a sign of bad times, as I feel we are slipping into total chaos. The decline in moral values that can lead one to do this kind of thing is very disheartening.
Tags: Culture | Arkansas | police | one | third | Shooting | snow | hospital | arts | dead | information | university | library | shots | Hall | student | Campus | Monday | Central | arrested | FIRED | DETAINED | evening | sunday | MALE | dorm | KILLED | TREATED | WOUND | center | away | person | been | happened | Released | outside | Suspect | CUSTODY | Fine | after | according | died | IN | Classes | Knight | were | Just | questioning | being | firecrackers | spokesman | Conway | GUNSHOT | said | Rhonda | shooters | prompted | have | canceled | Additional | near | another | From | With | Lockdown | there | About | swindle | began | When | which | Hausen
Some voters 'purged' from voter rolls
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- College senior Kyla Berry was looking forward to voting in her first presidential election, even carrying her voter registration card in her wallet.
"Vote suppression is real. It does sometimes happen," said Daniel P. Tokaji, a law professor at Ohio State University.
But about two weeks ago, Berry got disturbing news from local election officials.
"This office has received notification from the state of Georgia indicating that you are not a citizen of the United States and therefore, not eligible to vote," a letter from the Fulton County Department of Registration and Elections said.
But Berry is a U.S. citizen, born in Boston, Massachusetts. She has a passport and a birth certificate to prove it.
Watch some of the concerns of voting experts ยป
The letter, which was dated October 2, gave her a week from the time it was dated to prove her citizenship. There was a problem, though -- the letter was postmarked October 9.
"It was the most bizarre thing. I immediately called my mother and asked her to send me my birth certificate, and then I was like, 'It's too late, apparently,' " Berry said.
Berry is one of more than 50,000 registered Georgia voters who have been "flagged" because of a computer mismatch in their personal identification information. At least 4,500 of those people are having their citizenship questioned and the burden is on them to prove eligibility to vote.
Experts say lists of people with mismatches are often systematically cut, or "purged," from voter rolls.
It's a scenario that's being repeated all across the country, with cases like Berry's raising fears of potential vote suppression in crucial swing states.
This is of course another trick to win an election, just like Ohio in 04 and Florida in 2000. If they can't win outright and proper, they put in "the fix" I have so often mentioned. It's high time we have our elections monitored like they do in 3rd world countries, because if we can't get something as basic and principled as an election done right and fairly, we HAVE BECOME a 3rd world country.
Tags: People | Ohio | Georgia | Atlanta | Massachusetts | Boston | first | Election | office | college | United States | university | World | citizenship | Looking | October | Citizen | Vote | real | Professor | EXPERTS | BIRTH | BORN | PROVE | VOTER | presidential | CARD | week | purged | daniel | carrying | SENIOR | State | LETTER | WALLET | department | county | forward | REGISTRATION | dated | SUPPRESSION | FULTON | Berry | some | CERTIFICATE | notification | Kyla | received | said | their | like | eligible | have | rolls | From | With | does | even | That | indicating | happen | therefore | sometimes | tokaji | mismatch
Sunday, October 26, 2008
McCain brushes off polls, says 'we're doing fine'
(CNN) -- Despite his sagging poll numbers, Sen. John McCain said Sunday that he is "very happy with where we are" and very proud of his campaign.
Sen. John McCain says his campaign is "very competitive" in key states.
"We're doing fine," the Arizona senator said in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press." "We are very competitive in many of the battleground states."
Perhaps 2 of those states are Denial and Senility?
McCain brushed off polls that show him trailing Sen. Barack Obama, saying those numbers are "all over the map."
"Those polls have consistently shown me much further behind than we actually are. It all depends on the voter turnout ... we're doing fine. We have closed in the last week." he said.
Obama leads McCain by 8 percentage points (50-42 percent), according to CNN's latest average of national polls.
McCain also spoke out against recent criticism of his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin.
A new Washington Post/ABC News poll suggests that Americans have an increasingly negative view of the Alaska governor.
According to that poll, 46 percent of respondents have a favorable opinion of Palin, compared with 59 percent at the time of the Republican National Convention. The poll showed an increase in the number of people who have an unfavorable view of her -- 51 percent compared with 29 percent in early September.
Of course they're going to show her in disfavor with all her negative comments.
The poll, conducted October 20-23, has a sampling error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.
McCain said Palin "needs no defense."
"I don't defend her. I praise her," McCain said. "She has more executive experience than Sen. [Joe] Biden and Sen. Obama together."
McCain acknowledged that he and Palin disagree on some issues, but said it was "because we are both mavericks."
OH ok, I get it now, they've changed from pigs with lipstick to horse's asses. And the one horse has left the reservation while the other can't limp fast enough to keep up.
Tags: Florida | Washington | Arizona | Alaska | National | Show | Poll | press | Clinton | Senator | World | campaign | states | John | latest | interview | McCain | Turnout | Obama | Closed | sunday | view | VOTER | happy | NUMBER | much | week | over | many | off | Fine | last | Average | Percent | further | according | says | points | percentage | BATTLEGROUND | meet | very | proud | doing | depends | Sagging | leads | compared | consistently | behind | said | competitive | have | shown | brushes | With | than | those | Barack | That | actually | trailing | despite | Where | state-by-state | Palin
Saturday, October 25, 2008
McCain aide: Palin's 'going rogue'
(CNN) -- With 10 days to go until Election Day, long-brewing tensions between GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and key aides to Sen. John McCain have become so intense they are spilling out in public, sources say.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is "going rogue" according to a McCain campaign source.
Several McCain advisers have suggested to CNN that they have become increasingly frustrated with what one aide described as Palin "going rogue." A Palin associate, however, said the candidate is simply trying to "bust free" of what she believes was a damaging and mismanaged roll-out.
McCain sources say Palin has gone off message several times, and they privately wonder if the incidents were deliberate. They cited that she labeled robocalls -- recorded messages often used to attack a candidate's opponent -- "irritating" even as the campaign defended their use. Also, they pointed to her telling reporters she disagreed with the campaign's decision to pull out of Michigan.
A second McCain source tells CNN she appears to be looking out for herself more than the McCain campaign.
"She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone," said this McCain adviser. "She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else.
"Also, she is playing for her own future and sees herself as the next leader of the party. Remember: Divas trust only unto themselves as they see themselves as the beginning and end of all wisdom."
A Palin associate defended her by saying she is "not good at process questions" and that her comments on Michigan and the robocalls were answers to process questions.
But this Palin source acknowledged that Palin is trying to take more control of her message, pointing to last week's impromptu press conference on a Colorado tarmac.
Tracey Schmitt, Palin's press secretary, was urgently called over after Palin wandered over to the press and started talking. Schmitt unsuccessfully tried several times to end the unscheduled session.
Now even her and McCain's people are starting to rethink their decision to put her on the ticket. She's dangerous to say the least.
Tags: Michigan | Colorado | Alaska | bust | Election | public | press | attack | World | campaign | free | John | Sarah | days | message | diva | McCain | times | Questions | CANDIDATE | wonder | presidential | VICE | gone | trust | over | become | Aide | between | going | several | until | OPPONENT | trying | suggested | source | were | tensions | frustrated | used | damaging | incidents | deliberate | pointed | defended | take | recorded | labeled | believes | described | cited | increasingly | said | their | anyone | tells | adviser | irritating | have | intense | Process | they | With | associate | Spilling | rogue | This | more | often | What | privately | even | That | However | themselves | Schmitt | mismanaged | long-brewing | simply | roll-out | herself | Palin | robocalls
Just in case
I want to write this to document in case there is any personal injury or death to me, that 4 thugs walked into the house here and threatened to beat me up or kill me if I didn't leave this house immediately and not come back.
The police showed up because I managed to slip a call in to them and the thugs left before the police arrived.
please leave this posted in case anything happens to me
Jim Martin aka master_jim2008
Tags: World
Friday, October 24, 2008
What not to wear to the polls on Election Day
ARLINGTON, Virginia (CNN) -- Campaign paraphernalia is everywhere nowadays. People are sporting T-shirts, hats and pins touting their candidate of choice. But wearing your political allegiances can cause a problem at the polls.
Wearing a T-shirt like this one may cause you a problem at the polls in November.
In some states, what you wear to the voting booth could determine whether you are allowed to vote or be sent home to change.
Virginia's State Board of Elections has banned campaign clothing and other paraphernalia from inside all polling places on Election Day. In the past, it had been done only sporadically.
"We want to take this important step to make sure that the rules are applied uniformly throughout Virginia," said the board's James Alcorn.
In a two-to-one vote, the board said it was seeking to strike a balance between free speech and zones free of distractions and harassment.
The ruling prompted calls to CNN's Voter Hot Line.
"You can't wear [Barack] Obama shirts or hats or anything that pertains to the voter, you know, the nominee, and I want to know why," asked a caller from Norfolk, Virginia.
"If that's not a violation of the First Amendment rights, I don't know what is," another caller said.
That's like telling a Cardinal he can't wear his robes while going in to vote for a new Pope, right? Why don't we just tell a Chicago Cub he can't wear his jersey to the Ray's game? Lets tell a fan wearing a Rolling Stones T-shirt he can't attend an AC/DC concert.
The Republicans get more and more insane by the minute.
Tags: Culture | People | Virginia | strike | Election | Home | Change | speech | Polls | campaign | free | James | TO | cause | Vote | Places | Choice | banned | Political | CLOTHING | CANDIDATE | Make | VOTER | Day | balance | NORFOLK | other | arlington | inside | hats | The | step | State | booth | been | Rules | between | ZONES | WEAR | sent | only | past | some | problem | Board | paraphernalia | your | everywhere | sporting | done | Allowed | pins | seeking | take | T-shirt | applied | said | their | caller | could | touting | distractions | From | This | important | know | want | What | That | allegiances | Throughout | not | On | nowadays | uniformly | Alcorn | sure | two-to-one | whether | determine | sporadically
North Carolina race will be a tight one
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (CNN) -- It is a methodical routine: House by house, Mary Boyd walks to the door and carefully affixes an election guide to the doorknob.
College students from Tennessee are helping the Obama campaign's canvassing efforts.
Boyd is a foot soldier of the Mecklenburg County Republican Party, charged with finding -- and helping deliver -- every available GOP vote.
"And the best way to do that is to take a list of registered Republican households and take a piece of literature and leave it right on their door so that they have easy access to the information," Boyd cheerfully said during her rounds in a Charlotte neighborhood this week.
It is Boyd's third presidential campaign as precinct captain; twice before, she has walked these streets for a ticket led by George W. Bush.
"Well, it is extremely close," she said matter-of-factly in describing the biggest difference. "I think John McCain is going to win North Carolina. I hope by a lot. But we will take it any way we can get it."
Extremely close in North Carolina is extremely rare in a presidential race. "Unprecedented" is the word local Republicans use to describe one of the reasons it is so close: For the first time in memory, they are outnumbered when it comes to troops deployed in the state for the ground war of contacting and turning out voters.
Sen. Barack Obama has 45 offices in the state, to 30 for McCain, and a paid staff that dwarfs the GOP payroll in the state. Helping the Obama effort are busloads of volunteers, including African-American college students from Tennessee who went door to door canvassing for Obama this week.
Ashley Taylor was among them, with a set routine once the door cracked open.
"Hello, I am Ashley Taylor, and I am with the Barack Obama campaign, so we are just going around to see if the neighbors here have registered to vote and if they have gone out to do early voting."
Couple this with Republican underhanded tactics of stealing signs, whispering to people in line that Obama is an Arab and sends money to terrorists and openly calling Obama things like The leader of the American Fascist Party and we have a fight on our hands. From a party that is supposed to be the protector of the morals of the country, they sure do some despicable and immoral things to try to get elected. It just slays me how they think that's the right thing to do. It's like back when Roe vs Wade was being tested and the Republican right wing was going out and shooting abortion doctors and bombing abortion clinics. They say it's wrong for the mother to get an abortion and take a human life (things I have also heard from Republicans this year) but it's ok for them to kill abortion doctors. Yeah right, whatever you say pal. Just like a woman who gets an abortion, HER fight is now with God, not the Republicans. If there is a penalty to pay for a girl getting an abortion, God will make her pay it, not us piddly humans. That is why no laws should be made that force a particular religious view down our throats or take away our right to choose. Just because one is pro-choice it does NOT mean that person is pro-abortion. To me, it means a woman can go ahead and get one if she insists, but now she has to answer to God, not to me.
Early voting runs through November 1 in North Carolina and is the urgent focus of the vast Obama field operation at the moment. From its perspective, so far, so good: Democrats outnumber Republicans more than two to one in early voting tallies in the state.
As far as the McCain people in Mooresville go, they chose in my opinion to just give up. They had no representitive in front of the library during early voting, and they were more than welcome to, not that it would have done them any good. CNN is predicting that this will be a very tight race, but this year, I'm not so sure, even though I know that this state is VERY republican based. If the Democrats could happen to actually take the state by perhaps as much as a double digit lead, it would sure set most of the people here back on their heels. After all, this IS part of the bible belt, NASCAR and all.
OH LOOK, they're making another left turn!! I've gotten some very dirty Republican looks for that comment, but oh well, deal with it.
Tags: Culture | Tennessee | third | republican | Election | Students | Walks | college | information | soldier | race | Literature | campaign | party | House | Carolina | george | FOR | Taylor | Best | Door | List | Fight | McCain | Vote | Early | streets | Obama | PRECINCT | GUIDE | neighborhood | north | presidential | MARY | week | captain | foot | State | right | Charlotte | these | piece | different | effort | county | Ticket | going | CANVASSING | ROUNDS | close | every | finding | IN | registered | access | charged | ashley | easy | Twice | doorknob | HOUSEHOLDS | before | leave | take | Helping | deliver | said | their | have | extremely | carefully | during | they | cheerfully | From | With | routine | This | more | Barack | surprisingly | available | That | boyd | mecklenburg | describe | outnumber | methodical | affixes
Woman admits making up McCain sticker attack, police say
(CNN) -- A Republican campaign worker who told police she was assaulted by a man angered by a John McCain sticker on her car admitted she made up the report, the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, assistant police chief said Friday.
Police say Ashley Todd, 20, admitted making up the report she was attacked because of a McCain sticker.
Ashley Todd, 20, of College Park, Texas, will be charged with filing a false police report, a misdemeanor, and may face more charges, said police spokeswoman Diane Richard at a news conference.
"This has wasted so much time. ... It's just a lot of wasted man hours," Assistant Police Chief Maurita Bryant said at the same briefing.
The woman told investigators a man approached her Wednesday night at an ATM in Pittsburgh's East End, put a blade to her neck and demanded money, Richard said.
Police said they found "several inconsistencies" in Todd's statement and she was not seen in surveillance videos taken at the ATM. She was asked to take a polygraph test Friday morning, Richard said. The results were not made public.
Later, Todd came to the police station to help work on a composite sketch of the alleged attacker. When she arrived, Todd "told them she just wanted to tell the truth" -- that she was not robbed, and there was no attacker, Bryant said.
Todd originally told police a man "punched her in the back of the head, knocking her to the ground, and he continued to punch and kick her while threatening to teach her a lesson for being a McCain supporter," according to a police statement.
The woman also told police her attacker "called her a lot of names and stated that 'You are going to be a Barack supporter,' at which time she states he sat on her chest, pinning both her hands down with his knees, and scratched into her face a backward letter 'B' on the right side of her face using what she believed to be a very dull knife."
Bryant described Todd as "very cordial, polite, cooperating," and said the woman was surprised by all the media attention. Asked whether the false report was politically motivated, Bryant replied, "It's difficult to say."
"She is stating that she was in her vehicle driving around, and she came up with this idea," she said. "She said she has prior mental problems and doesn't know how the backward letter 'B' got on her face."
However, Todd was the only one in the vehicle, and "when she saw the 'B' she thought she must have been the one who did it," Bryant said.
"We're talking with the district attorney's office and conferring on just how we're going to handle it," she said. "It's been different stories through the night and this morning."
She said there was no indication that anyone else was involved.
Richard said the woman had described her alleged attacker as an African-American, 6 feet 4 inches tall with a medium build and short dark hair, wearing dark clothing and shiny shoes.
Before the revelation that the report was false, McCain spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker said that McCain and running mate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin "spoke to the victim and her family after learning about the incident."
The Obama campaign also had issued a statement wishing the woman a "speedy recovery."
This story really gets me, because as you've seen from the press, Democrats don't do this kind of thing to Republicans but Republicans do all kinds of things to Democrats and Obama, including the whispering to the one girl I mentioned in my piece yesterday about voting her conscience. Republicans are supposed to be the moral leaders of the country, yet McCain and Palin take the gutter road in comments, Republicans steal Obama signs and commit other acts like getting people thrown off Library property for being too good at their campaign work. Honestly I hope that scar on her face lasts awhile. Yeah Yeah I know, she's got mental problems. I'd say you can probably blame that on her Republican upbringing.
Tags: Texas | Culture | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | Alaska | police | republican | conference | Park | morning | news | Woman | report | vehicle | college | east | Time | attack | campaign | money | Bryant | Richard | John | Night | Worker | McCain | Face | dark | NECK | INVESTIGATORS | UP | friday | much | sticker | punch | BLADE | LETTER | false | been | will | statement | chief | going | alleged | Hours | Wednesday | made | very | supporter | wasted | Todd | charged | Just | ashley | Asked | spokeswoman | admits | making | ASSAULTED | filing | same | demanded | described | stated | came | assistant | misdemeanor | said | told | approached | angered | polite | backward | also | With | briefing | This | more | there | That | Diane | When | Say | Maurita
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Early voting day 4
Wow, where do I start? Running total is now 4420 for 4 days of early voting at the Mooresville Public Library and it was not a day without some controversy.
Once again people, obviously Republican plants were complaining about us being there.
Once again the election judge came out and called a meeting between all the people stumping for a candidate. She named me specifically as being one that people were complaining about, but that we were all guilty of being too pushy with people.
I tried to pin her down on exactly what the complaints were and supposedly we were getting up in people's faces. We told her she's welcome to watch us all she wants, we're not doing anything wrong, but the compromise was basically that we're neutered as to what we can do out at the table. We can't show anyone the ballot now unless they ASK to see it and all we can do is hand out leaflets. She said if there are more complaints we will be asked to leave, which the attorneys have said they actually CAN'T do.
I still don't know if this election official knows that two police officers, one who is a congressional candidate were watching us and saw nothing wrong in what we were doing. She would probably wet herself if she knew we had two bonified lawmen on our side. And don't quote me, but we hear that most of the election staff at this polling place is Republican and so that may account for some of the complaints being believed. Personally I think that the election officers see so many people coming in with Obama stickers and cards, that it just ticks them off.
One DNC worker who was there was shocked to learn that should we ever need witnesses to how we conduct ourselves, the police officers are our backup. I pointed the two officers out to her and told her she can go talk to them anytime she wants if she has any questions about our conduct.
I know some of the complaints had to be a plant, because of how this one lady voter and her daughter came out and said she didn't think it is right that we were even there because no one from McCain's campaign was there. We told her to talk to them, they didn't send anyone, we did. We said they have as much right to be here as we do and if they choose not to send anyone, there's nothing we can do about it, but we for sure will continue to show up.
We had one girl show up with full intentions of voting for Obama and after we gave her the DNC recommendations card a friend of hers started whispering to her, but loudly enough for me to hear, that she doesn't want to vote for Obama, he's an Arab and terrorist and he supports terrorism and sends money to terrorists. I told her, no that's not true at all and to go vote her conscience. She came out and said she voted for Obama and got an Obama sticker for her car. Nice try buddy, but she voted what her heart told her.
This election is getting dicey and people are going to great lengths to try to abridge our right to free speech and get us in trouble. So much for McCain or the Republicans running a clean and fair compaign.
Bottom line, I know that some ticked off Republicans are just making waves out of frustration at the good job we're doing of getting out the vote.
Tags: Culture | Local | Mooresville North Carolina | early voting
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Early voting suggests 2008 may see record turnout, expert says
Obama, a black man. Well half black anyway.
McCain an old and ailing white guy. No way of being more tactful than that.
Palin, a female VP candidate who could easily become president though totally unqualified.
Barack beating out Hilary Clinton for the nomination.
Dirty campaign tactics and EXTREMELY negative ads.
Skeletons being unleashed from the closet, mostly of the Republican's.
Glass ceilings to be broken by either side.
Candidates McCain and Palin making remarks that incite violent and racially intollerable comments from voters.
Millions of dollars RAISED by both sides.
Millions of dollars SPENT by both sides.
An estimated 9 million homeless by January 09.
McCain basing his campaign more on personal attacks than on the issues.
This election being the most costly ever in terms of money spent by one side or the other and both sides put together.
Barack being the cool candidate and McCain being the school yard bully who out of desperation makes all kinds of false claims like he's just grasping at straws.
An electorate that even if they're using the "lesser of two evils" principle for their vote, can't see that Obama IS the lesser of two evils.
A totally failing economy which is having GLOBAL effects.
The future of our economy and thus our standing in the world.
Collapse or near collapse of other governments due to OUR failed economy.
Destabalization of the middle east.
Two wars, Palin inciting war with Russia and Iran, and a partridge in a pear tree.
ALL those make THIS the most important race ever in the history of The United States of America (minus the partridge and pear tree).
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Officials in early voting states are reporting record turnout with Election Day still two weeks away.
Voters line up Monday in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to cast their ballots early.
The numbers indicate a record percentage of voters could participate in the presidential election, a voting expert said.
Michael McDonald, an associate professor of politics and government at George Mason University, said at least 2.2 million people already have voted using absentee or other types of ballots that allow them to vote before the polls open on November 4.
Twenty-nine states were accepting early ballots as of Tuesday, and Oklahoma will begin accepting early ballots next week.
In North Carolina, which has developed into a battleground state, nearly 500,000 voters have cast absentee ballots, according to the State Board of Elections. Officials at the State Board of Elections expect to surpass numbers from the 2004 election, when 700,000 people voted early.
Fifty-six percent, of those voting early in North Carolina were Democrats, while 28 percent were Republicans and 16 percent were not registered as a member of a party, the elections board said.
The number of voters who already have cast their ballots could be much higher, McDonald said, because many states have not reported the number of ballots they have received so far.
Early voting suggests a record 213 million people are eligible to vote this year, said McDonald, who also works with the consortium that conducts election exit polling for broadcast and news networks.
"This will be the election in which the most people have ever voted in an American election in the history of our country," he said.
McDonald said early voting is often a good prediction of the level of turnout on Election Day, and heavy early voting indicates the turnout this year will exceed the 60 percent turnout in the 2004 election.
"We have a very good chance of beating the 64 percent turnout in the 1960 election," McDonald said. "We really could be looking at a historic election in modern American history."
That race saw the highest level of turnout in American history, except the 66 percent turnout in the 1908 presidential election.
McDonald pointed to the record number of early votes already cast in Georgia as an example of the high interest in the race.
More than 690,000 Georgians already have voted, more than the entire number that cast ballots before Election Day in 2004, McDonald said. That figure represents nearly 21 percent of all the 3.3 million presidential votes cast in 2004, he said.
"If we see this persist across all states, we really could be in for an election of historic proportions," McDonald said.
Turnout was so heavy in Charlotte, North Carolina, that Mecklenburg County officials are extending voting hours and opening 20 voting sites this weekend instead of the originally planned five, WSOC-TV in Charlotte reported.
Like Georgia, a majority of those voting early in North Carolina -- 56 percent -- were women, the election board said. The board also reported that 68 percent of those voting early were white, while 28 percent were black.
"We needed to have enough room for people, so they wouldn't go into the parking lot," Supervisor Penny Gross said.
Gross said she had expected large numbers because "I had people in my office for weeks, asking if they could vote," but said even she was caught off guard by the turnout.
"I was pleasantly surprised by the crowd, surprised at the variety and quite frankly, the numbers," she said.
Tags: Culture
Early voting day 3
Dateline: Mooresville North Carolina.
I have been helping out at the Obama booth at the Mooresville Library for the North Carolina early voting. As of 6:00 P.M. today there have been 3334 votes at this particular location.
Today it seemed there were more Republicans voting for some reason and things got a bit nasty. Not on our side of course, because we're honoring the Obama spirit and not getting into any arguments or skirmishes with those who disagree with Obama.
We heard Obama being called the leader of the American Fascist Party, and one called Obama an A******. We had many more today who were willing to talk to us till they found out we're for Obama and then they declined our literature. Overall though it went pretty smoothly except for one time when someone from the elections inside came out and accused us of putting an Obama sticker on someone who didn't ask for it and told us that if we did anything like that again, she'd have us removed from the property.
We all thought it was pretty funny and obviously a Republican fed lie because we never did any such thing. We'd give stickers to those who asked for it, and we'd offer stickers, but not once did we ever stick one on someone, with or without permission and quite frankly we wouldn't waste an Obama sticker on someone who didn't want one. The woman who came out to talk to us is not just an election official but she's also a staunch Republican and she took the complaint at face value rather than consider that it may be a ploy to try to get us removed, which they can't do anyway. We told her to proctor us all she wants to, she won't find us doing anything wrong. She then said, well we WILL be watching you closely out of the window and if we see you do anything wrong there will be trouble. We said that's fine, watch us all you want. We called our boss at the local office just to let him know about the problem. The thing that the election official probably didn't know is that a candidate for congress who was handing out election material had been watching us closely and seeing how we did things, and HE'S a cop from Cornelius NC. He said, after hearing about the complaint that he had not seen us doing anything wrong and that if the lady comes out again to complain, we should tell her to come talk to him. She said she'd call the cops, probably not knowing one was already there.....the candidate.
In North Carolina, if you're a resident of the county where you happen to be trying to vote at, and you have not registered yet, you can do it right there and THEN vote. That is what my roommate Lilybillie23 from NP did today. This was her first time voting ever, and she decided to after watching Obama's DNC acceptance speech.
We had many people come by again who were totally inspired by Obama and it was amazing to see so many senior citizens voting for Obama. Not just black senior citizens but the white ones who you'd typically think are Republican old school. It was quite heartwarming to see that Obama appeals to even 80 yr olds.
Tags: Culture | North Carolina | Election | Local | opinion | Mooresville | early voting